Cloudflare operates a global content delivery network (CDN), DDoS protection, internet security solutions, and domain name system (DNS) services. Cloudflare helps websites and applications stay online, load faster, and remain secure from cyber threats. The EMEA team approached us to bring some Competitive Creativity® to their Demand Gen activity in the eCommerce sector.

As a lateral visual expression of Cloudflare's security and performance capabilities, we created the analogy of eCommerce Health and Fitness. A direct mailer containing vitamin-tablet-shaped highlighter pens explained the digital health checks organisations should do.
SDR teams followed up the DM drop with calls into the target accounts.

Demand Gen activity was then populated with a suite of health and fitness illustrations we created to match the Cloudflare brand style.

Hero content pieces were researched, written and designed, then driven to from email, social channels and digital display advertising.

Landing pages allowed prospects to self-serve content and research the aspects of Cloudflare most relevant to their pain points.

Target accounts that had not yet engaged with the initial stages of the campaign were sent a follow-up direct mailer. This Emergency Traffic mailer (containing a road-traffic emergency flare) explained how Cloudflare could instantly come to their aid if eCommerce website traffic either, came under threat or the site performance slowed or stopped during peak shopping times like Black Friday.

A subsequent wave of social activity then focused more on reactive adoption of Cloudflare in the event of a website traffic emergency.