At LogicLogicMagic®, we believe in keeping things clear. When you converse with us – be it through our website, in conversations on the phone or by email, at events or in other ways, you may share your details – your personal information. This Privacy Policy sets out what information we’ll collect, how we’ll keep it safe and your rights.
The personal information we gather, store and use is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations, let’s call them ‘data protection laws’. These data protection laws give you the rights to control what we do you’re your information.
We are LogicLogicMagic Limited. You’ll find our team members in a variety of interesting places but our registered office is: 401 Laleham Road, Shepperton, Surrey, TW17 0JP.
Our registered Company Number is: 12138403
We’ll only collect work-related information and we’ll only contact you as a representative of the company you work for, own or run. This information could include name, email address, job title, work postal address, telephone number or mobile number, as well as information collected about your use of our website (this could include your IP address).
How we’ll use what we know about you
We will use your personal information to keep you up-to-date with our company, deliver you newsletters or blogs, reach out to you about our services and ensure our site works well. You can, of course, opt out of being contacted by us at any time – every email we send will include an ‘unsubscribe’ link. Or you can email any of us, anytime. Our website only uses site-essential cookies (small chunks of information stored in your browser). There sole purpose is ensuring the site works. Data protection laws require that we have a lawful purpose to keep and use your personal information. As we’re a commercial organisation we are keen to promote our services to you so we can grow our company and pay our wonderful employees. Our lawful basis to process your information is called ‘legitimate interest’. Without getting too technical, we’d like to keep you informed about our company until you tell us you’d rather not hear from us. If you’d like to find out more the Information Commissioner’s site has all the details – https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/
Will we share your information?
In short no. In slightly more detail, we won’t share your personal information unless required to do so for law or unless we employ another company to help us. If we do employ another company we’ll make sure that your data is kept secure. Data protection laws also require that we tell you if your personal information is sent outside of the EEA – we may do this as data servers can be anywhere in the world. However, if your data is sent or stored outside of Europe it will only be in a place that the EU have approved or a place that has signed a specific agreement with us to keep data safe and secure.
How we’ll keep your information safe
With trust comes great responsibility. We take keeping your personal information safe seriously. Measures include comprehensive staff training, data encryption, robust IT security, physical security and binding legal agreements with our suppliers we.
Removing your information
You can ask us to delete the personal information that we have. Email any of us, anytime. We’ll keep only a minimised version to ensure that we do not contact you, if our paths cross again.
The information we have
You can ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you and can have any that’s wrong corrected. Email any of us, anytime.
A cookie is a tiny file that is stored by your browser when you visit a website. We only use cookies that are essential to the running of the site. Our site might contain links to websites owned and operated by others aka third parties. These ‘others’ have their own privacy policies and are likely to use cookies. They are responsible for their sites and we are responsible for ours.
What if you’re not happy?
We’ll always strive to go beyond legal minimums and to ensure that you’re happy with our data processing activities. If you’re not happy you can email any of us, anytime. If you are a UK, EU or EEA (European Economic Area) resident and are not happy with the outcome, you have the right to complain to our local supervisory authority, the Information Commissioners Office www.ico.org.uk